Tuesday 1 December 2009

My First Blog IV : A New Hope

Hello internets,

So there are probably more blogs than there are people, or something like that, so why am I bothering? Because I've got something to say? Because I'm going to use it as a cynical, marketing tool to promote whatever beat combo happens to have a record out that week? The simple answer is probably exactly the same as why 99% of personal blogs are written. Vanity. Good ol' fashioned vanity.

The first 'blog' is always going to be a bag of wank so I'm trying to get it out of the way so I can crack on with being 'hilarious' in the coming weeks. I've called it Seven Days Too Long after my favourite Northern Soul tune, and because the intial plan is to contribute every seven days, or something like that. Clever, right?

It's more than likely going to read like a poorly researched, tesco-value Charlie Brooker more than anything, but if it stops me posting 17 facebook status updates an hour then better for everyone involved I reckon. I'd say it's about telly, football, music and girls, but that's a lie cos it's about me. And there's your vanity.

Right, that's the first, introduction blog out of the way. I hated every minute of writing that. I promise to be better, I rarely make a good first impression. For that reason I'm going to leap straight into blog 2. Lucky cunts.

For anyone that may be interested I'm Ryan. I have ginger hair, but not that sort of ginger where you look like you've been bathing in dirty, ice-water and your veins are considered an accessory. Like Florence and the Machine or Bianca off of Eastenders. I'll talk about Eastenders an awful lot you'll find. When I'm not thinking about anything else I'll, more often than not, be thinking about Eastenders. I'm somewhere between 64% and 71% attractive, and not a penny more. I try to dress, walk and talk like I'm from Manchester and often walk out of the hairdressers hoping someone will say 'you look just like Liam Gallagher in the Lyla video'. It's never happened.

That's sort of all you need to know about me for now, onwards with the first actual blog proper. That one doesn't count.

And if you're ever feeling down, look at the picture of the waving, chinese children and listen to this...


ta x

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